How to multiply individual, team and organizational productivity in one year, with instant results from day one with no extra headcount, without the pains and frustrations of creating results the hard way with ineffective and unproductive workforce; thereafter, achieving year-over-year explosive growth in double digit with virtually flat resources

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The questions most organizations and business leaders attempt to find answers to today are:
• How do I multiply the productivity of my people without additional allocation of resources?
• How can a leader extract the smarts and maximum effort from each member of his team?
Increase Productivity Immediately Without More Resources
The Corporate Productivity Multiplier is a system that can MULTIPLY individual, team and organization productivity in a single year, thereafter, achieving year-over-year explosive growth in double digit with virtually flat resources. You will start seeing impressive results right away.
Think for a moment what that means. The same staff you have now, with no increase in pay or equipment, can immediately start producing more.
Within a year they won’t just be 10% or 20% ahead of where they are now. Your team will be producing greater than 100% MORE than they are today.
Your sales will explode. Your profits will increase by leaps and bounds. And you will finally save that extra capital you will need to grow your business in ways that may be impossible now.

This is the revolutionary system that far surpasses the efficiency methods and motivational management of the past. Now you can get dramatically better result without spending more.

Grow your company without the usual pains and frustrations of working with ineffective and unproductive workforce and, build a responsible team and organization, where losing is unacceptable, passion is unquenchable, morale is all time high, creativity is essential, quitting is unthinkable, commitment is unquestionable, winning is mandatory and year-over-year explosive growth in double digit with virtually flat resources is guaranteed.

Achieve year after year growth in multiple digits with no increase in resources.

What result and productivity level could you, your team and organization achieve:

  • If you can get twice as much from your people? If they all offer the very best of their thinking, creativity and ideas? If your people give more than their jobs require and volunteer their discretionary effort, energy, and resourcefulness?
  • What if they actively search for more valuable ways to contribute? And if they hold themselves to the highest standards and give 100 percent of their abilities to the work – and then more?

The CPM program is a 21-module, 3-day, No Risk, All Reward program. No advance payment is required and after a full one-half day of the entire program, by 2PM on day two, if participants haven’t absolutely received well over $1000 in value per participant, they are welcome to leave without payment or receive a full and immediate refund if your organization paid in advance.

Furthermore, there is a No-questioned-asked, 100% money-back one full year guarantee, if you can’t honestly state that your team and organization’s productivity had multiplied at least by a factor of 2 within one year.

If you don’t enjoy result that good or better within one year starting from day one of applying the principle taught, we don’t deserve to keep your money. You have every right to ask for a full, no-questions-asked, on-the-spot, 100% refund anytime you decide.

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VALOR CREADOR LTD was established to create and add value to senior executives, professional, business owners, their teams and organizations in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors

We are experienced personal, business and executive coaches, trainers and speakers, helping business owners and executives to grow and become more effective for improved results.

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