Product & Service Ideation

Customer Driven Product & Service Development and Launch

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Many businesses and start-ups spend time, energy and money building products and bringing new products and service to the market without considering customer need by making the user part of the product development process. The get little or no feedback from the customer that the products are meant for. And when they fail to reach broad uptake at a major launch – sometimes a total unacceptance from customers – it is often because they never spoke to prospective customers and determined whether or not the product or service was what the customer wanted or not.

When customers ultimately communicate through their indifference that they don’t care about the idea, the product or the service, then the start-up or product development fails. Time, money and effort is wasted.

Through our powerful approach to new product development that begins with understanding unmet customer needs. We help businesses and startups with product and service ideation that takes into account users unmet and latent needs.

Our method is a human-centered product design process that approaches problem-solving with understanding the user needs. From the insight of customers unmet needs emerges a process for innovation that encompasses concept development, applied creativity, prototyping, and experimentation. It is a proven, systematic approach to new product development that guarantees instantaneous and massive market acceptance.

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Praesent eu felis ut leo tincidunt hendrerit id a libero. Nunc imperdiet varius est eu vulputate. Nullam non ligula ante. Cras quis auctor neque. .

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Professional Coaches


VALOR CREADOR LTD was established to create and add value to senior executives, professional, business owners, their teams and organizations in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors

We are experienced personal, business and executive coaches, trainers and speakers, helping business owners and executives to grow and become more effective for improved results.

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History Student

8th Grade

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Math Student

High School Junior

Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ip

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